DEQUEBUZZ, MARKETING SOC. ANÓNIMA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE, with RFC: DMA 1504143Q8 whose registered office is in Calle Colima nº 385 (nº interior 4) Roma Norte CUAUHTEMOC DF (from this point forward, DEQUEBUZZ), organizes an international contest denominated “DEQUEBRIEF AWARDS”, with an effective duration from May 4th to May 15th 2016, being the jury’s verdict on May 20th.
First.- Objective
The main objective of the “DEQUEBRIEF AWARDS” contest, (from this point forward, the contest) is to reward those participants who submit the most attractive projects according to the jury members’ opinion.
Second.- Participation requirements
2.1 Any individual person of legal age, along with any kind of corporate entity (by means of any of its deparments) and civil societies, including advertising&marketing agencies and NGO’s but excluding public administrations, public companies and public organisms, will be allowed to participate in the contest.
2.2 Each entrant will be allowed to submit only one project.
2.3 Participation wil not entail any kind of charge or cost.
2.4 DEQUEBUZZ reserves the right to cancel the participation of any entrant in case of figuring out any kind of fraudulent behaviour.
Third.- Development of the contest
3.1 Entrants will present their Projects between May 4th and May 15th 2016 (valid submitting period) only by means of the entry form available on DEQUEBUZZ’s official website. Those projects submitted after the participation deadline, or by a different mean than the official form, will not be accepted for the contest. Neither will those projects for which DEQUEBUZZ had developed an awareness campaign before, regardless it had been carried out or not.
3.2 On the entry form, each entrant will select one of the available categories.
In the particular case of the non-profit campaign, the jury will deliberate whether or not the project fulfills the requirements (non-profit intention and promotion by an NGO); otherwise, the project will be dismissed for the contest.
3.3 In application of the point 2.2, in the event that an entrant submits two or more projects, regardless they belong or not to the same category, all submitted projects will be automatically excluded from the competition.
3.4 Finished the submitting period, the jury will count on up to two weeks to pick up the finalists on each category, ideally a minimum of 5.
3.5 The jury will choose a president from amongst its members. Finalists will be chosen by simple majority. In case of a draw, the president will own a casting vote for tie-breaking. Finalists for each category will be published on DeQuéBuzz's website, in a generic way with no references to the brand, on four independent polls, one for each category. During 48h, visitors could vote freely for their favorite candidates. By the end of this period, first ranked on each category will be considered as the winners of the campaign, meawhile second and third ranked as the winners of the two main discounts.
3.6 DEQUEBUZZ will get in touch with the top 3 entrants of each category to communicate them their prize and continue with the process of campaign execution.
3.7 In case of not being able to locate a winner, or a winner to reject the prize (expressly or tacitly), or not fulfilling the requirements established on this terms, DEQUEBUZZ will award the prize to the following ranked entrants, in order of classification.
Fourth.- Prizes
4.1. For each of the categories defined on the point 3.2, the best ranked entrants will be awarded with the following prizes:
a. Winners: the development and execution of a spreading campaign at no cost (for the chosen category).
b. Second-ranked: a 50% off voucher over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the chosen category) with a validity of one year.
c. Third-ranked. a 35% off voucher over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the chosen category) with a validity of one year.
4.2. The rest of the participants will be rewarded with a 20% off over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the category they had participated on), with a validity of one year.
4.3 In any case a winner will be allowed to demand a cash alternative or a prize substitution for its economic value.
Fifth.- Spreading campaign
5.1 Along with the communication of the prize, DEQUEBUZZ will report the winners about detailed aspects of the campaign, such as duration, number of platforms, number of countries, etc, by way of minimum basis to be accepted by the winner; otherwise, DEQUEBUZZ will have the authority to allocate the given prize to another entrant, remaining the original winner with no right to any kind of compensation. Likewise, if the winner were an advertising or marketing agency, it will be a compulsory requirement in order to receive the prize to sign up as a supplier at DEQUEBUZZ's systems.
5.2. Accepted these minimum basis, DEQUEBUZZ and the winners will agree on the rest of campaign conditions (specific way to implement it, platforms involved, influencers' expertise, number of reports and dates, KPI's, etc)
5.3. DEQUEBUZZ and the winners will sign a service contract that includes the conditions referred on the points 5.1 and 5.2, along with any extra terms the parts would agree on.
5.4 DEQUEBUZZ will respect in any case, directly or indirectly (by means of the influencers), the winner's communication lines and policies.
5.5 DEQUEBUZZ will be the only agency to develop and execute the campaign, being banned any kind of collaboration with other influencer marketing entities.
5.6 The winner will be allowed to provide its own brand-ambassadors and influencers to the campaign, under a previous communication to DEQUEBUZZ in order to include them in the service contract to be signed by both parts.
5.7 In the case of the first-ranked entrants of each category, DEQUEBUZZ will not charge any amount for the development and execution of the campaign.
Sixth.- DEQUEBUZZ will own the intellectual and industrial property of the content developed under the frame of the spreading campaign, including any idea, concept, piece, format, suggestion, development, preparation, design, proposal, program, promotion and other elements that DEQUEBUZZ might conceive, create and develop, individually or collaborating with third parties, in the frame of the spreading campaign.
Seventh.- DEQUEBUZZ will not spread, transmit or reveal to third parties any information about the winner -or, in case of being an agency, any information about the brand or represented customer-, its products, advertising policies or anything considered confidential that DEQUEBUZZ gain access to as a consequence of the development and execution of the spreading campaign, neither will use that information in its own benefit or others'.
DEQUEBUZZ will be authorized to publish general information about the winning projects (general description and country) on its website and other media, previous authorization from the winner to reveal any other information regarding the participation on the contest or the campaign itself.
Eight.- The mere fact of entrying the contest entails the agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions, along with the approval of the criteria followed by DEQUEBUZZ to settle and resolve any issue derived from its application.
Ninth.- DEQUEBUZZ might modify the conditions of the contest at any point, everytime there is a justified cause, and even to call off or cancel it in case of force majeure, committing to communicate the new conditions or the cancellation with enough advance, under the same means of the present terms.
Tenth.- Data provided by the participants in order to entry the contest, along with the information submitted in case of being awarded, are necessary to participate and will be treated by DEQUEBUZZ according to the current regulations for the treatment of personal information. This data will be included in files with a commercial and advertising purpose.
By providing this personal data, entrants authorize its inclusion in the files previously mentioned, accepting therefore to receive promotional content on their e-mail or telephone number.
DEQUEBUZZ guarantees the adhesion to the necessary measures in order to assure the treatment of this data according to law. Entrants will be able to exercise their rights by sending a writing memo to DEQUEBUZZ, MARKETING SOC ANÓNIMA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE, with RFC: DMA 1504143Q8 and address Calle Colima nº 385 (nº interior 4) Roma Norte, CUAUHTEMOC DF.
First.- Objective
The main objective of the “DEQUEBRIEF AWARDS” contest, (from this point forward, the contest) is to reward those participants who submit the most attractive projects according to the jury members’ opinion.
Second.- Participation requirements
2.1 Any individual person of legal age, along with any kind of corporate entity (by means of any of its deparments) and civil societies, including advertising&marketing agencies and NGO’s but excluding public administrations, public companies and public organisms, will be allowed to participate in the contest.
2.2 Each entrant will be allowed to submit only one project.
2.3 Participation wil not entail any kind of charge or cost.
2.4 DEQUEBUZZ reserves the right to cancel the participation of any entrant in case of figuring out any kind of fraudulent behaviour.
Third.- Development of the contest
3.1 Entrants will present their Projects between May 4th and May 15th 2016 (valid submitting period) only by means of the entry form available on DEQUEBUZZ’s official website. Those projects submitted after the participation deadline, or by a different mean than the official form, will not be accepted for the contest. Neither will those projects for which DEQUEBUZZ had developed an awareness campaign before, regardless it had been carried out or not.
3.2 On the entry form, each entrant will select one of the available categories.
- NATIONAL CAMPAIGN: for those projects that require a national coverage, limited to the territory of a single country and a maximum duration of 15 days. Valued in $10.000 USD.
- REGIONAL CAMPAIGN: for those projects that require an international coverage, limited to the territory of a single continent and a maximum duration of 15 days. Valued in $30.000 USD.
- WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN: for those projects that require an international coverage, limited to the territory of up to three continents and a maximum duration of 15 days. Valued in $50.000 USD.
- NON PROFIT CAMPAIGN: for those non-profit projects, promoted by NGO's; limited to the territory of a single country and a maximum duration of 15 days. Valued in $10.000 USD.
In the particular case of the non-profit campaign, the jury will deliberate whether or not the project fulfills the requirements (non-profit intention and promotion by an NGO); otherwise, the project will be dismissed for the contest.
3.3 In application of the point 2.2, in the event that an entrant submits two or more projects, regardless they belong or not to the same category, all submitted projects will be automatically excluded from the competition.
3.4 Finished the submitting period, the jury will count on up to two weeks to pick up the finalists on each category, ideally a minimum of 5.
3.5 The jury will choose a president from amongst its members. Finalists will be chosen by simple majority. In case of a draw, the president will own a casting vote for tie-breaking. Finalists for each category will be published on DeQuéBuzz's website, in a generic way with no references to the brand, on four independent polls, one for each category. During 48h, visitors could vote freely for their favorite candidates. By the end of this period, first ranked on each category will be considered as the winners of the campaign, meawhile second and third ranked as the winners of the two main discounts.
3.6 DEQUEBUZZ will get in touch with the top 3 entrants of each category to communicate them their prize and continue with the process of campaign execution.
3.7 In case of not being able to locate a winner, or a winner to reject the prize (expressly or tacitly), or not fulfilling the requirements established on this terms, DEQUEBUZZ will award the prize to the following ranked entrants, in order of classification.
Fourth.- Prizes
4.1. For each of the categories defined on the point 3.2, the best ranked entrants will be awarded with the following prizes:
a. Winners: the development and execution of a spreading campaign at no cost (for the chosen category).
b. Second-ranked: a 50% off voucher over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the chosen category) with a validity of one year.
c. Third-ranked. a 35% off voucher over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the chosen category) with a validity of one year.
4.2. The rest of the participants will be rewarded with a 20% off over the estimated price of a spreading campaign (for the category they had participated on), with a validity of one year.
4.3 In any case a winner will be allowed to demand a cash alternative or a prize substitution for its economic value.
Fifth.- Spreading campaign
5.1 Along with the communication of the prize, DEQUEBUZZ will report the winners about detailed aspects of the campaign, such as duration, number of platforms, number of countries, etc, by way of minimum basis to be accepted by the winner; otherwise, DEQUEBUZZ will have the authority to allocate the given prize to another entrant, remaining the original winner with no right to any kind of compensation. Likewise, if the winner were an advertising or marketing agency, it will be a compulsory requirement in order to receive the prize to sign up as a supplier at DEQUEBUZZ's systems.
5.2. Accepted these minimum basis, DEQUEBUZZ and the winners will agree on the rest of campaign conditions (specific way to implement it, platforms involved, influencers' expertise, number of reports and dates, KPI's, etc)
5.3. DEQUEBUZZ and the winners will sign a service contract that includes the conditions referred on the points 5.1 and 5.2, along with any extra terms the parts would agree on.
5.4 DEQUEBUZZ will respect in any case, directly or indirectly (by means of the influencers), the winner's communication lines and policies.
5.5 DEQUEBUZZ will be the only agency to develop and execute the campaign, being banned any kind of collaboration with other influencer marketing entities.
5.6 The winner will be allowed to provide its own brand-ambassadors and influencers to the campaign, under a previous communication to DEQUEBUZZ in order to include them in the service contract to be signed by both parts.
5.7 In the case of the first-ranked entrants of each category, DEQUEBUZZ will not charge any amount for the development and execution of the campaign.
Sixth.- DEQUEBUZZ will own the intellectual and industrial property of the content developed under the frame of the spreading campaign, including any idea, concept, piece, format, suggestion, development, preparation, design, proposal, program, promotion and other elements that DEQUEBUZZ might conceive, create and develop, individually or collaborating with third parties, in the frame of the spreading campaign.
Seventh.- DEQUEBUZZ will not spread, transmit or reveal to third parties any information about the winner -or, in case of being an agency, any information about the brand or represented customer-, its products, advertising policies or anything considered confidential that DEQUEBUZZ gain access to as a consequence of the development and execution of the spreading campaign, neither will use that information in its own benefit or others'.
DEQUEBUZZ will be authorized to publish general information about the winning projects (general description and country) on its website and other media, previous authorization from the winner to reveal any other information regarding the participation on the contest or the campaign itself.
Eight.- The mere fact of entrying the contest entails the agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions, along with the approval of the criteria followed by DEQUEBUZZ to settle and resolve any issue derived from its application.
Ninth.- DEQUEBUZZ might modify the conditions of the contest at any point, everytime there is a justified cause, and even to call off or cancel it in case of force majeure, committing to communicate the new conditions or the cancellation with enough advance, under the same means of the present terms.
Tenth.- Data provided by the participants in order to entry the contest, along with the information submitted in case of being awarded, are necessary to participate and will be treated by DEQUEBUZZ according to the current regulations for the treatment of personal information. This data will be included in files with a commercial and advertising purpose.
By providing this personal data, entrants authorize its inclusion in the files previously mentioned, accepting therefore to receive promotional content on their e-mail or telephone number.
DEQUEBUZZ guarantees the adhesion to the necessary measures in order to assure the treatment of this data according to law. Entrants will be able to exercise their rights by sending a writing memo to DEQUEBUZZ, MARKETING SOC ANÓNIMA DE CAPITAL VARIABLE, with RFC: DMA 1504143Q8 and address Calle Colima nº 385 (nº interior 4) Roma Norte, CUAUHTEMOC DF.